The REAL War

It has similarities to Iraq. It is a war based on lies and deception. A war whose outcome is uncertain and purpose seems hazy and constantly shifting. A war where, like Iraq, one also scratches their head wondering who the REAL enemy is?
Like Iraq, this war has also been planned and executed by the current administration. George Bush and Karl Rove have engineered a strategy of cultural sabotage so effective they still control at least the tenor of political discourse in this country. They also control a very efficient army of conservative soldiers to advance their spin through effectively state-controlled communication channels. Is this any different from the infamously effective propaganda machine designed by Joseph Goebbels 70 years ago?
I don’t know. I am but a lowly blogger. One of thousands of my ilk who have taken up arms in a cyber-revolution that I see as no less than an attempt to save the republic. I am a minuteman, a patriot, an ornery New Englander with a loaded keyboard who is fed up with Redcoats from red states trying to steal my country.
The REAL War isn’t in Iraq (and I mean that with all due respect and reverence to the countless slaughter of soldiers and civilians of every nationality). The REAL War is here at home. It is a war equally perpetrated by this government. Political discourse has been reduced to screaming matches with no hope of either side changing anyone else’s mind. But that’s not even the point. The point is that by keeping Americans engaged in a “debate” about well, everything, you effectively prevent the electorate from honing in on a real crisis of leadership in this country. It is a political version of the Romulan cloaking device in Star Trek. While we’re bickering, Cheney is dickering, undetected and unaccountable. Deception and division are the weapons used by out-of-control conservatives who will do anything to maintain power and forward an agenda that is politically extreme, an affront to liberty and finally recognized as utterly suspect. Field Marshals and Generals mired in the blog, the time has come to rally your troops.
Thanks Barb, God Bless you too!
Brothers and Sisters in arms!
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