Friday, October 28, 2005

A Sad Day For America

October 28, 2005
As much as I would like to relish any event that damages this evil administration, this is not the day to do it. This is a sad day for America for two reasons.
  1. Karl Rove was not, and should have been, indicted. It appears highly unlikely that he will be indicted in the future. This dashes my hopes for a completely just conclusion to this disgusting saga and a free pass for a key player. Rove once again gets away with breaking the law.
  2. This indictment is another example that all Americans are losers when we are led by unethical, greedy, corrupt, evil people who are willing to do anything to forward a dangerous agenda. These people may have very well damaged our country forever.

The consolation is that this does damage Bush politically. That point is a positive development. As I have said previously, I believe today's indictment is the beginning of the end of Bush's presidency and for that, I will tomorrow, be quietly grateful.


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