Monday, October 24, 2005

Forget Illegals, Start Deporting Religious Radicals

CHARLESTON, South Carolina (Reuters) - Cory Burnell wants to set up a Christian nation within the United States where abortion is illegal, gay marriage is banned, schools cannot teach evolution, children can pray to Jesus in public schools and the Ten Commandments are posted publicly.

To that end, Burnell, 29, left the Republican Party, moved from California and founded Christian Exodus two years ago with the goal of redirecting the United States by "redeeming" one state at a time.

First up for redemption is South Carolina.

Burnell hopes to move 2,500 Christians into the northern part of the state by next year and to persuade tens of thousands to relocate by 2016. His goal is to fill the state legislature with "Christian constitutionalists."

The push comes at a time when Christian fundamentalism is a growing force in U.S. politics, displays of the Ten Commandments in government buildings are spurring litigation and President George W. Bush is touting the evangelical Christian credentials of Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers.

Chrisitan Exodus, huh? More like Christian "Exit-US" and the sooner the better.


Blogger Evelyn said...

As suspected, the "Christian Right" is basically a cover for unreconstructed Confederates. "Conservative" is code for "white racist." It was "conservatives" who brought us bombings and lynchings and stands in the school-house doors a few years back. They hope we have forgotten. Cultural conservativism is about protecting "our way of life" from non-white non-Protestant non-heterosexuals. They will lose again as they lost before. Progress is on the side of progressives.

6:40 PM  

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