Mr. Fitzgerald, I'm Ready for My Perp Walk
(well, almost)

Sounds like the indictment of Karl Rove is just around the corner. My prediction: this is going to snowball and eventually becomes Bush's Watergate. Get yer popcorn, this should be a very interesting floor show. Here's an excerpt from an article on
Rove's return to the grand jury: A "stunning" and "ominous" sign
So Karl Rove is returning to testify before the grand jury investigating the outing of Valerie Plame, and he's doing so without any guarantee that Patrick Fitzgerald won't prosecute him. How big of a development is this? "Stunning," a former federal prosecutor tells us. "There is no reason for Rove to make this appearance unless he and his counsel believe he is at serious risk of indictment. None."
It's always risky to go before a grand jury. You can't take your lawyer into the room with you, and you don't know what the grand jury knows or doesn't know. It's especially risky if you've already testified once -- or, in the case of Rove, three times -- before: The odds of introducing inconsistencies into your testimony increase each time you give it. That's why, the former prosecutor tells us, a defense lawyer would advise his client to make a return appearance before the grand jury only in extreme circumstances...(continued)
So Karl Rove is returning to testify before the grand jury investigating the outing of Valerie Plame, and he's doing so without any guarantee that Patrick Fitzgerald won't prosecute him. How big of a development is this? "Stunning," a former federal prosecutor tells us. "There is no reason for Rove to make this appearance unless he and his counsel believe he is at serious risk of indictment. None."
It's always risky to go before a grand jury. You can't take your lawyer into the room with you, and you don't know what the grand jury knows or doesn't know. It's especially risky if you've already testified once -- or, in the case of Rove, three times -- before: The odds of introducing inconsistencies into your testimony increase each time you give it. That's why, the former prosecutor tells us, a defense lawyer would advise his client to make a return appearance before the grand jury only in extreme circumstances...(continued)
-- Tim Grieve
Just a note to say I appreciate your comments to Carol Liebau's insufferable myopia. Another site that you would have appreciated (in the positive sense) but which is no longer posted (hopefully will be renewed soon) is
Keep up the good work!
Thanks a lot! I truly believe that while we may be in bloody wars abroad, we are also in the midst of a bloodless civil war hear at home. It is a war being fought in blogs, chat rooms, over the radio and in the newspapers. We're no less than freedom fighters. and It's great to hear from a fellow comrade in arms. Keep up the fight! I believe the tide is turning. We have the right-wing enemy in retreat. I take comfort in the words of Winston Churchill who said "Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the [U.S.] lasts for a thousand years, men will still say, "This was their finest hour."
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