Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The 700 Club

Let’s see, anti-war rally 100,000; pro-war rally, 500. Why couldn’t we see these numbers come election time and why the small turnout for our fearless leader? I have a theory. Maybe Karl Rove’s wind-up conservatives (otherwise known as Rove-bots) are worn down from the past few election cycles. It also strikes me that these numbers are oddly familiar. 100,000 ~ 500 100,000 ~ 500 WAIT....George Bush "won" the 2000 election by 500 votes in Florida. He then "won" the 2004 election by 100,000 votes in Ohio. So were the 500 Rove-bots who showed up for Sunday’s pro-war rally the same 500 that gave Bush his 2000 election "victory" in Florida? And were last weekend's 100,000 anti-war protesters the same voters who finally realized Rove operatives changed their John Kerry votes in Ohio last November? (boy are they pissed!) Ok, I know its a stretch but weirder things have happened since 2000. Things we'll undoubtedly never find the real answers to.
My guess, the dwindling mass of still loyal Bushy-backers are either Rove-bots or founding members of Pat Robertson’s 700 Club. You know, that devoutly Christian mercenary group that for a one-time, tax-deductible, contribution will assassinate a foreign leader of your choice.
By the way, check out this video to view an in-depth look at the genius behind George W. Bush.


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