Tuesday, September 13, 2005

“Mobile” Alabama is Aptly Named

“In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, they hope to open 30,000 homes every two weeks, reaching 300,000 within months.”

You’ve heard of Minnesota being the “Land of 10,000 Lakes” well soon, Louisiana will have a greater (or lesser) distinction. Land of a Million Mobile Homes. Today’s New York Times explains FEMA’s plan to plop zillions of Bechtel and Halliburton designed and constructed Trailer Trash Communities in hurricane ravaged areas…because well, heck Bushies really care about the plight of poor displaced blacks in America! Now, I realize that immediate housing following the Katrina disaster is imperative but shouldn’t there be some thought about actual community planning? We all know that once these people are situated in the absolute lowest standard of housing possible, the government will be finished with them. One can only imagine the “Trailer Squalor” that is going to infest the tri-state Gulf region. I mean why are we going to further perpetuate the third world conditions that led to this situation in the first place?


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