Look Mom, No Hands

Please exuse this disturbing photo conservadroids. I mean I know reality is terribly inconvenient but today I really feel the need to ask you all something. I'd like you to kindly put down the twinkie, turn off your iPod, put your cell phone on vibrate, pull over and WAKE THE F*CK UP!
This war is a sham. Yeah I know, you're sick of hearing about it. Poor thing. You don't want to see the coffins of soldiers, the graves of sons and daughters. The maimed and mutilated innocent children. Thousand upon thousands upon thousands. You don't want to hear that you've been lied to - that this war isn't for a good cause, a noble purpose. You don't want to know that it is all in the name of CORPORATE GREED. But I'm going to tell you anyway...and I'm going to keep telling you....Sorry, but war is hell isn't it?
Commence conservadroid deprogramming sequence A875b-99. This war is NOT about protecting us from terrorists. This war is NOT about making the Middle East stable. This war is NOT about unseating a dictator. This war is NOT about Wepons of Mass Destruction. This war IS MASS DESTRUCTION! And the reality of this wretched bloody carnage is being hidden from you. You are being lied to over and over and over again. This war is about MONEY, OIL, WEALTH AND PROFIT. These bastards will use WMD, Osama bin Laden and Jesus Christ as excuses to murder, rape, pillage and steal, all in order to make themselves rich. America needs to wake up and hold this administration responsible for their traitorous LIES and Murder. Our standing in the world is ruined. Unquenchable greed mockingly packaged as a War on Terror, has spawned entire new generations of terrorists who now REALLY have a reason to destroy America. Every passing day that we keep our heads in the sand - complaining about gas prices as we drive our Hummers - is another day we remain silent accomplices to this criminal war and whores to the oil pimps of America. Generations to come are going to pay for the greed of these evil men. How much longer will you remain their accomplices? WAKE UP AMERICA! In the name of whatever God you choose, Wake Up.
Draino, I lean from the center in your direction but am not quite that far to the left. I, too, do not support the war...believe that we are there for the wrong reasons...and criticise the Administration with gusto...but have not reached your level of vitriol...I'll keep plugging along at my own pace and hopefully, contribute some good to the general dialogue.
Whatever works for you man. I'm not always this provocative but I think this country needs to be grabbed by the shoulders and shaken. Vitriol against tyranny is what got us started and I'm proud of mine. But Blogging is strangely personal and all about saying what you really feel at any given moment. Keep doing what your doing in your own way and thanks for your comment.
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