Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Draino's Top 10

The Top 10 Differences between Liberals and Conservadroids:
  1. Liberals believe the most needy among us need the governement's help. Conservadroids believe that the most greedy among need the government's help.
  2. Liberals believe in finding peaceful solutions and going to war only as a last resort. Conservadroids believe in starting a war as they're going to their peaceful resort.
  3. Liberals believe that the world's problems are complex and complicated and that solutions are equally complex and complicated. Conservadroids believe...what was the question?
  4. Liberals believe that gun control is a modest attempt at laws that might reduce the number of gun-related deaths. Conservadroids believe that gun control is cupping your left hand under your right and aiming carefully while gently squeezing the trigger.
  5. Liberals believe that every woman should be free to choose between abortion or adoption. Conservadroids believe that every embryo should be free to choose between military deployment or lethal injection.
  6. Liberals have a loving God. Conservadroids have a wrathful God.
  7. Liberals believe the government should get out of people's bedrooms. Conservadroids don't believe in bedrooms, they believe in closets.
  8. Liberals believe freedom means people should be allowed to make mistakes. Conservadroids believe that human malfunction is unacceptable and can be prevented by chip implant technology and 24/7 video surrveillance.
  9. Liberals believe that our thirst for oil has resulted in foreign conflict and destroyed the environment. Conservadroids believe we are simply followin' the bible. Y'all know, where it says though shalt invade other countries, drive big cars and charge sinners $3 a gallon for gas.
  10. Conservadroids believe our current leader deserves long vacations to his Texas ranch. Liberals believe our current leader deserves a permanent vacation to his Texas ranch.


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