Democracy 101
"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both"
- Benjamin Franklin
Good Morning Class!
As a part of your deprogramming and disassembly as a Conserva-droid, you will be required to complete remedial democracy training. This is the first step of your re-entry into society. Eventually you will even reacquire the ability to think before speaking and to speak without foaming at the mouth.
Lesson #1
The Difference Between Democracy and Tyrannical Monarchy.
- Tyrannical Monarchy. Our current form of government. It is where the first-born son of a previous leader assumes complete political control by virtue of birthright whether they are qualified or not. It has been modified recently so that the leader assumes control under the guise of a free election that is actually rigged.
- Democracy. Under this form of Government qualified leaders are elected by the majority of adult citizens each of whose vote actually counts as one vote. Citizens are not prevented in anyway from voting based on race or socioeconomic status and leaders actually abide by the will of the majority.
As this recent excerpt from the Boston Globe (Aug 12, 2005) shows, Republican's still do not understand the basic difference between the aforementioned forms of government.
“The Republican Party says it still has a zero-tolerance policy for tampering with voters, even as it pays the legal bills for a former Bush campagn official charged with conspiring to thwart Democrats from voting in New Hampshire…The Republican National Committee has spent more than $722,000 to provide Tobin, who pleaded not guilty, a team of lawyers…”
My dear conserva-droids, if you are beginning to sense that the Republican party has been lying to you (and all of us). You are well on your road to recovery.
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Our Hero of the week is Cindy Sheehan, who not only gave her son in what she thought was the defense of our country but is now single-handedly waking up a sleeping populous that is slowly and reluctantly becoming aware of the fact that we are in deep poopie-poop (otherwise known as a quagmire).
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Our Creep of the Week is George W. Bush for refusing to take one hour from his one-month vacation to speak to a mother who GAVE HER SON to his phony "war on terror" that was actually an exuse to vindicate Daddy (tyrannical monarchy, remember?). George is already a recipient of the special Creep of the Week Lifetime Achievement Award for his long-running campaign of perverting religion for political gain, foreign domination and rape of the environment.
By the way, how many of y'all get one-month summer vacations during the middle of a war that you are losing?
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