No ranting satirical cynicism today. There will be plenty of time for that. (in fact, we haven't even mentioned G.W.B. yet). No, today I am revealing a softer side and my attempt at prose....
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The Treasure Chest
Something occurred to me recently. The reason they call that part of the body above one’s stomach a “chest” is because, like many chests, it holds a treasure. Locked behind a fortress of bosom and ribcage lies the greatest treasure anyone - rich, poor, successful - destitute, joyful, despairing - anyone will ever own. A treasure that, secure in its chest, can only be taken from you with your permission. Giving another the key to your heart is the ultimate gift - an act of awesome trust and selfless love. Some would say it is foolish, reckless. Others may repost it is the only way to enjoy the riches of that which lies hidden in a rib cage. I say there is truth and fallacy in both of those things. The mistake is made in proffering access to this vault without ever taking inventory yourself. For even in light of all its riches, so many never open their own treasure chest and look to see what lies inside. Is it for fear that it might instead be Pandora’s Box, holding horrors that even the bravest individual dare not face? If it is a trap, I advise triggering it first and releasing its steely grip from your broken nose before graciously offering this treasure trove to the love of your life. This act of chivalry is a test of your love and love is the only way to fully enjoy the riches that lie inside you. Completing this task, passing this test, allows you to share your treasure, your love, without fear. For it is a fearless soul indeed that embarks on the journey of private exploration, the greatness of which is only exceeded by the rewards inherent in such an adventure. Today I am packed, fastened and geared up - ready to begin a trip to the very tundra of my soul and hoping to return a hero.
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