Friday, September 02, 2005

In a League of Their Own

One has only to look at the disastorously inadequate federal response to the devastatation that has beset the Gulf Coast (imagine if it had been BLUE states!!) in order to observe what is a perfect metaphor for this administration. Similar to the aftermath of 9/11, the response to Hurricane Katrina has been not unlike an episode of The Three Stooges. There is one consolation, however. Added to the upcoming anniversary of Bush's failure to capture Osama bin Laden will be the memories of Hurricane Katrina. Memories less of the disaster itself and more of the preventable deaths, looting, raping and violent anarchy that followed. These memories will still be fresh in voters minds when they throw republicans out of office in 2006 and 2008.

Once again the International community and intelligent observers in our own country are shocked at how a supposedly advanced and developed Superpower could be so woefully ill-prepared and pathetically comical in its response to this disaster. Anger that has been simmering in this country for five years is reaching a boiling point and Katrina has been a valve that has released a small portion the intense anger of this country. An anger born from years of disenfranchisement for many people in the U.S.

The greedy, the rich and the well-connected, the small majority that has disproportionately enjoyed the fruits of this corrupt administration had better move to higher ground because the flood waters are going to rise to levels far beyond that of Louisiana's plain.

People of all political stripes have, for a long time, pointed out the incompetence of George Bush. This crisis in yet another example of a tired and weary nation grappling with the fact that he is simply not up to the task of being President. This administration is in a league of their own. Unfortunately it is 20,000 leagues below a sea of floodwater on the South Coast of Louisiana.


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10:34 AM  
Blogger Bud said...

I wish that I had the confidence that you display in your post...I doubt that we Americans will remember anything when we step into the voting booth in 2006 and later in 2008 other than the snappy one liner that we heard in a thirty-second commerical between acts of whatever "reality" show is in vogue for the respective pre-Tuesday, Monday night leading up to the next day's election in 2006 and 2008. I am loosing my faith in the ability of most Americans to think, to analyze, to reason, and to understand that there are real consequences to any action (and if they do not any inaction)...ergo, George W. Bush (a good, Christian man...if an incompetent one).

2:49 PM  

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