Friday, September 23, 2005

The Tide is Turning

President Bullhorn picked a good weekend to get the hell out of Washington. While he's mugging for cameras and trying to make up for his failures during the recent Katrina disaster, he's also evacuating Washington (without sitting in traffic) and the ugly reminders of his foreign policy disaster that is the Iraq War. A huge anti-war rally is scheduled. I would urge anyone who lives in the Washington D.C. area or wants to have a great weekend really making a difference in this country to head on down (or up)! If you are fleeing Houston, keep driving (albeit slowly) up to D.C..!!Let's show conservadroids how protesting is done! It sure seems that in the midst of the tidal floods lapping the south, the tide is turning around the country. Republican policies are failed policies and once again it is time to have our voices heard and get this country back on track!


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