Thursday, September 15, 2005

Beware the Blame Game!

There is nothing more pathetically desperate than a conservadroid backed into a corner. Their glazed zombie-like stare is almost sad as they frantically wave dull, stump-like talons viciously at anything that moves. But their little paws are worn dull from a five-year political catfight and now their fur is but mange, matted and caked with New Orleans mud after desperately trying to resuscitate a terminally ill presidency. No, they're going down now, kicking and screaming for sure. One can only wonder what brilliant final words Mother Bush (forever known as "Marie Antoinette" or simply "let-them-eat...Bush") will sputter as the figurative bow of her sons presidency, "Titanic One" sinks below the waters for the last time.

But BEWARE! The desperate last gasp of these wild-eyed conservazombies can be dangerous! Like the defeated Nazis in their last days, today’s fascists will likewise go out in a big, over-the-top uber-drama. They will burn their own Washington Townhouses down, eat their young and destroy what little is left of the civilization that they, in their complete narcissism, believe isn’t worth saving without them.

With that in mind, we liberals must use our superior intelligence during this critical time where the tide has begun turning against the fascists. Above all, we must counter desperate conservative spin at every turn. Remember, as rusty as we are at playing offense, we must keep these lying liers constantly on the defense because it is likewise unfamiliar territory to them!

The Blame Game is real and getting vicious. Via Karl Rove, Bush has a very sophisticated and still well oiled (they still get oil cheap) Gatling gun of lies and character annihilation. A recent example of how this weapon works is the “cover your ass” response to the Hurricane Katrina fiasco. These bastards are trying to blame state and local government for the lack of response to the Gulf disaster. This tactic was a deviously brilliant political contingency that, unlike natural disasters, Bush and Rove actually did plan well. You see, the federal government has fiscally starved state and local governments for years. State and local governments have very limited tax-generating abilities. Municipal governments get most of their revenues from property taxes. This money has to pay for expensive school systems that the federal government no longer helps to pay for. States have limited funds as well. Many states don’t have any income tax and many that do (like mine) have misguided republican governors who have cut state taxes during an economic downturn, following in the footsteps of prior republican dumb-ass Herbert Hoover. Economist John Maynard Keynes convinced FDR this was an economic fiasco over 70 years ago! It is a repeated fiasco today because Bush’s lousy economy results in lower incomes and more people on the dole, creating a vicious circle of lower tax receipts and higher government outlays. The trickle down effect of Bush’s fiscal irresponsibility to state and municipal governments is NOT an accident. This is how Bush has been able to cut taxes to the rich while overspending on his failed war. When the shit hits the fan, which they knew it would, they simply blame the resulting lack of public services on state and local governments. Clever, huh?

Reality Check: The federal government is in charge of disaster relief and states of emergency. Why? Because it is often these poor states (who by the way, voted for this idiot) that are disproportionately hit with disasters they can ill afford to handle. For Bush’s Ministers of Spin to blame state and local government for the Katrina fiasco is both tasteless beyond belief and a blatant whitewashing of their responsibility. It is the frantic cat-scratches of a desperate and failed administration. BEWARE THE BLAME GAME!


Blogger Anonymous said...

Bush didn't have to drive the buses. He didn't have to drain the city. All he had to do was pay to fix the levees the 25 times he was asked to do so. He didn't. But he did take credit for his great Homeland Security Department that was supposed to keep our country safe and mobilize large scale disaster response. It failed completely. This is the fault of his republican led government not select democratic local administrators.

11:54 AM  
Blogger Bud said...

Your buddy Joel C. in commenting on local responders failed to note one thing vis-a-vis the New Orleans disaster...the bus drivers themselves were under water or soon to be underwater...their families were in grave danger, at risk of death.

In the hierarchy of actions taken, I believe it is human nature to protect your self and your family ahead of all others. Undoubtedly, the people who have as their job the driving of the buses of New Orleans were evacuating just like everyone else. Their homes were under threat. Their families were at risk. To ask them to sacrifice their family is unthinkable.

The major failing of the "plan" was that those identified to replace, protect and save the first responders were not there when called on. The first responders were a part of the refugee community. State or federal persons (not residing in New Orleans) should have been available to drive the buses of New Orleans to safety with first responders, their families and all other people of New Orleans who needed a ride out of the threatened city.

The response to Katrina was a failure on many points out in very clear images and very clear language that the multi-billion dollar experiment of homeland security is a farce.

Wonder what ol' Joel C. would have done had he been one of the school or city bus drivers? Undoubtedly, he would have been boogieing North to escape the flooding if he had a means of transportation or not having transportation would he be sitting on his roof waiting to be plucked by one of the Coast Guard helicopters.


1:51 PM  

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