Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Test Your Political Knowledge!

Don't worry...this test is easy!

1. George Bush is to “Mission Accomplished” as

a. Paul Bremer is to peace in Iraq
b. George Tenet it to accurate intelligence
c. Dick Cheney is to energy policy
d. Tom Delay is to ethics
e. All of the above

2. FEMA’s Mike Brown is to “Good Job Brownie” as

a. Osama bin Laden is to “Smoke ‘em Out”
b. Karl Rove is to “Any CIA leakers will be Fired”
c. Condi Rice is to “Can I go to the bathroom”?
d. No child left behind is to children left behind
e. All of the above

3. “War on Terror” is to Iraq War as

a. Weapons of mass destruction is to Iraq War
b. Removing tyrannical dictator is to Iraq War
c. “Freedoms on the March” is to Iraq War
d. “We have to keep fighting to honor the dead” is to the Iraq War
e. All of the above

4. Rich people are to tax cuts as

a. Poor people are to wage cuts
b. Middle Americans are to layoffs
c. Old people are to eating cat food
d. Unqualified people are to presidential appointments
e. All of the above

5. Gas prices are to drivers as

a. Fuel bills are to homeowners
b. Buying a home is to everybody
c. Evacuation is to poor people
d. Budget Deficit is to federal government
e. All of the above

6. The American Dream is to immigrants as

a. College education is to most Americans
b. Getting healthcare is to 30 million Americans
c. Getting married is to gay people
d. Retiring comfortably is to U.S. workers
e. All of the above

If you answered anything, you are correct. If you answered "e" to every question, you go to the head of the class.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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"Of the more than 500 Walk of Fame ceremonies I've hosted, I can't think of anyone who has been associated with more successful films," honorary Mayor of Hollywood Johnny Grant, who officiated, said Monday.
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9:14 AM  
Blogger Natalia said...


Still laughing.


10:01 AM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

thanks n. :)

11:13 AM  

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