Friday, September 16, 2005

George's Overnight Epiphany

Here are some selected quotes from CNN's website. Now CNN is not exactly liberal media folks. They are probably second only to Fox News as being the primary vehicle for administration spin.

George W. Bush
"As we clear away the debris of a hurricane, let us also clear away the legacy of inequality," the president said. "As we rebuild homes and business, we will renew our promise as a land of equality and decency..."

"...poverty has roots in a history of racial discrimination, which cut off generations from the opportunity of America. We have a duty to confront this poverty with bold action. So let us restore all that we have cherished from yesterday, and let us rise above the legacy of inequality..."

Huh?...does anyone who isn't yet brainwashed really believe Bush has suddenly become an advocate for minorities and the poor? Please.

In perfect counterpoint, here are some more snippets regarding the FEDERAL beauracratic road blocks to the response effort:
  • Doctors eager to help sick and injured evacuees were handed mops by federal officials who expressed concern about legal liability.
  • Warehouses in New Orleans burned while firefighters were diverted to Atlanta for Federal Emergency Management Agency training sessions on community relations and sexual harassment.
  • Dr. Bong Mui and his staff, evacuated with 300 patients after three hellish days at Chalmette Medical Center, arrived at the New Orleans airport, and were amazed to see hundreds of sick people. They offered to help. But, the doctor told CNN, FEMA officials said they were worried about legal liability. "They told us that, you know, you could help us by mopping the floor." And so they mopped, while people died around them. "I started crying," he recalled.
  • FEMA halted tractor trailers hauling water to a supply staging area in Alexandria, Louisiana.
  • Michael Chertoff, the Homeland Security secretary, has offered no explanation as to why he waited three days after the National Hurricane Center predicted a catastrophic hurricane to declare Katrina an incident of "national significance."

These incredible anecdotes speak for themselves. One can only hope Bush's actions start to match his words but we've been down this road before. It would require from him an about face of unprecedented magnitude. A complete 180 on close to a dozen years of neglect, abondonment and hostility toward the neediest Americans. My belief - nothing Bush now says rings true. Once the Katrina fallout blows over he will once again be back to screwing the lower and middle classes of America. Pathological liers seldom have overnight epiphanies. He's trying to save his sorry ass but its too little, too late.


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