Color Me Skeptical
October 28, 2005 - A day to remember!
- It FINALLY happened!
- Indictment Day = Independence Day!
- Joy abounds in the hearts and minds of angry, fed up liberals around the country! We are finally getting some vindication after years of jaw-dropping arrogance and division from this corrupt administration!
Think Again
What have we really gotten? More arrogance, vindictiveness and division. Karl Rove gets away with murder once again. Bush and Cheney merely praise their indicted employee. No apology, no shakeup. No recognition of any problems whatsoever. Business as usual.
I myself am guilty of the following recent fantasies:
§ It really is going to be different this time.
§ America is finally waking up.
§ I think democrats are going to win in 2006 and 2008.
§ Bush is too extreme. He’s a puppet of the religious right and it is really beginning to turn off the vast majority of Americans.
etc., etc., etc.
Am I the only one who has a hangover from last week? Cause here’s the thing. Republicans are masters at “smoke and mirror” politics. I wouldn’t be surprised if they planned at least the timing of some of the recent mishaps a solid year before elections. This way they let off steam and then start the “deception process” again, with plenty of time to pull the wool over the eyes of the American people who are proving themselves to be utterly herd-like in their collective thinking.
We all know the litany of reasons why Bush and his goon squad are toast. I will grant you, things are looking incredibly bad for conservatives. Even republican pollsters and pundits are dismayed at how far and how rapidly things have gone wrong. The same individuals admit that it will be very difficult for Bush & Co. to turn things around in time to salvage election prospects in 2006 and 2008. DON’T BE FOOLED.
There is a long 12 months until the midterm elections. As horrible as they are at running the country, republicans are masterful at deception, lies and dirty tricks, all of which will help them greatly in the upcoming elections. Besides, many things can happen between now and the next elections. I wouldn’t put anything past these guys - including a "Wag The Dog" style “staged crisis” or “homeland security incident” so President Bullhorn can look like a hero and republicans can shift the political winds back in their favor.
We are living through scary times. I would like to believe that we are finally witnessing the implosion of the neo cons and their party of the ‘born again’. I am very skeptical. As far as political gain for the democrats, “the check is in the mail” isn’t going to work for me this time. I won’t exhale until these guys really are gone. Color me skeptical but I suggest not getting overly excited about recent events. American voters have a sorrowful track record of acquiring collective amnesia every first Tuesday of every other November.
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