Monday, November 14, 2005

Bush Now An Official Liability To His Party

Following last Tuesday's election results around the country there is, for the first time in his presidency, clear-cut electoral evidence that George Bush is officially a drag on the republican party. His last minute cameo in Virginia, followed by the decisive defeat of that state's republican gubernatorial candidate, is evidence of Bush's arrogance and obliviousness. A president with approval rating in the high 20s to low 30s has no business stumping for republicans who should have "just said no".
This is what happens when fundamentalism and greed, in the form of laissez-faire run rampant, combine with the military industrial complex. If this administration isn't a conspiracy of big money special interests, I don't know what is. It represents every failure inherent in our comendable but highly broken political system. So the fact that Fearless Puppet is officially a political liability is the best news I've heard in 5 long years.
George Bush is now "Box Office Poison". He probably already took the pruning shears to some defenseless "bush" (ironic, no?) in the Rose Garden ala Joan Crawford. For the moment at least, I'm thinking he won't recover. He will play defense as Lamo Ducko for the next 3 LONG years and we'll have blissful Washington Gridlock. A scenario that, with no pending: "American Revolution, The Sequel" on the horizon, is about the best we can hope for.
These are all positive developments for those of us addicted to reality, common sense and human decency. Bush and everything he represents is evil (in my humble opinion) and represents the epitome of everything that is antithecal to this country's values. So, either I am more out of touch than he is, in which case these scumbags really do represent this country's values (in which case I should start my holiday immigration shopping) or we are FINALLY getting some vindication that the system really does work - that a junta of well-financed special interests doesn't fly and that, in relatively short order, the current perversion of democracy will be an important and infamous historical landmark for many years to come. A political landmark of what happens when we don't properly safeguard the hard-won governmental institutions, put in place over many generations, that protect the interests of the common people. Institutions that are often the only check against the ever present threat of extremism and manipulation by the rich and powerful, whose hatred of true democracy is second only to their greed.
Bush is now an official liability to the republican party - and an embarrassment to the nation. That inescapable realization may well be the start of something better for all of us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The good news is that Bushit is a drag on Republican't campaign hopes.

The better news is to encourage him to actively campaign for as many Republican'ts as possible.

6:57 PM  

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