Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A Victory In The War (on words)

Ok, so maybe there is no correlation but last week I posted a piece that questioned the makeup of the Iraqi insurgency. No, they haven't switched from Maybelline to Max Factor. Rather, the fact that the insurgency is mostly Iraqi's trying to rid their country of unwanted occupiers and not a mythical cadre of international terrorists that Bush's propaganda machine would have us believe.

Well, coincidentally, a week following my post, the Bush administration is no longer referring to an insurgency. Below are excerpts, from a recent post by Arianna Huffington titled, Bush's New Plan for Victory: Stop Saying 'Insurgents':

So “the insurgency” really is in its “last throes”.
No, not the effort to drive U.S. forces America out of Iraq -- that continues unabated. I’m talking about the Bush administration’s decision to stop using the words "insurgency” and “insurgent” to describe the rebel forces…
Yesterday, Donald Rumsfeld said that “over the weekend” he’d had “an epiphany” that “this is a group of people who don’t merit the word ‘insurgency’”…
President Bush apparently had the same epiphany because in today’s big speech on Iraq he went to great pains to rebrand the enemy…
So “insurgents” are out and “rejectionists, Saddamists, and terrorists” are in…. While calling them “the smallest” of the enemy groups, they are still clearly Bush’s favorite: he mentioned “terrorists” 42 times in his speech

Well isn't that special. Keep tuning in people - I'm telling you, I know what I'm talking about! And maybe its even making a difference (well at least I'm going to pretend it is!)

p.s. Mark my words. Karl Rove's days are numbered.


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