Thursday, February 02, 2006


Neocon hypocrisy hit a new low Tuesday night after our Texas oilman president and allegedly "recovering" boozer and coke head George Bush, pointed out that we Americans are "addicted to oil".

Isn't that a bit like your crack dealer telling you you're a drug addict?

Bush - the man who did more than anyone to get us in this mess - has the gall to TELL us to look ourselves in the mirror and admit that we have an oil addiction.

Because the blame certainly does not lie with his administration who just happens to be in the pocket of the oil lobby.

The blame doesn't lie with Bin Laden family friend Bush Sr. who has met with more Mideast leaders to cut oil deals than any other former president in history.

The blame doesn't lie with Dick Cheney who mapped out an energy policy by excluding the input of conservationists and appointing a committee that included indicted Enron exec Ken Lay and oil company CEO's. A committee whose report was so damning Cheney took Justice Scalia duck hunting to make sure the report was never made public.

The blame doesn't lie with Dubya, who has declawed every conservation law on the books and gutted funding for alternative energy research.

The blame doesn't lie with the republican controlled congress who has backed every law promoting increased oil use (including drilling in the pristine Alaskan wildlife refuge) while voting against any incentives to reduce U.S. dependence on Mideast oil.

The blame doesn't lie with the auto companies who have heavily marketed gas guzzling SUV's for two decades while stubbornly refusing to produce more energy efficient vehicles.

The blame doesn't lie with oil companies who have raked in billions at the expense of our country's economic viability and national security.

And the blame certainly doesn't lie with those who lied about WMD's in order to get us into the Iraq war, all the while promising that Iraqi oil production would quickly pay for the war and provide us with a virtually endless supply of cheap oil.

The blame lies with US, the American people - because we are addicted to oil.

Hell, I'll drink to that.
